Cleanup Crew

Spent the better part of the day trying to fix a problem due to an Arch upgrade 😦 After that was fixed & cleaned up, I was in a house cleaning mood so I decided to remove some compiler warnings in Enlightenment that were driving me crazy. One thing I cannot stand is compiling software and having to see a million warning messages spitting out, so I took a broom to the Enlightenment codebase and removed a bunch of warnings about missing initializers for Eldbus Messages & Signals. All said and done, things are running well now and compiler output is much cleaner…so I’m happy 🙂


For those that do not know me, my name is Christopher Michael. I’ve been an EFL/Enlightenment developer for 12+ years now, and although I am not one to blog much, I’ve been asked to contribute the occasional blurp here about some things I am working on. So stay tuned to this commercial-free channel for some interesting tidbits, rants, and other nonsensical things 😉